♥ Hello the Pomeranians.
Sorry for the lack of early vacation, but as some know it so I was in Paris, especially for the concert by Lady Gaga. & I can say I'm breaking out, frankly. The show was extraordinary, and the first part with Semi Precious Weapons just unforgettable, while as the book signing for them after the concert. Those who follow me on my FB staff already know, but I do not care, I repeat, JUSTIN gave me a kiss, looked me in the EYE & TOLD ME THAT I WAS BEAUTIFUL. That is, the time-hysterical fools of this article is past it's done.
Hello sweethearts ♥.
I'm so Sorry for the bad updates last week sincere, goal've Known Some of you I Went to Paris, for Lady Gaga's especilly show. & I Can Say That I Lived one of the night of my life, Seriously. She rocks, & her concert WAS amazing, As The Semi Precious Weapons, The Band Who make The First Part Of The Concert. THEY DID CD signing at The End of the show, & It Was unbelievable. JUSTIN KISSED ME, LOOKED ME IN THE EYES TOLD ME & I WAS BEAUTIFUL. Well, okay, this time Was The hysteric of this article; done.
For this article, therefore, pictures of Paris, but also ... Pictures of my prom this year, with my darling dress of love: D.
Now, Some pictures of my Paris trip & also ... The pictures of my prom dress with My Lovely: D
Let's go ?
A chocolate muffin w/ a Mocha praliné for my BF Anna !
A part of cookie & cream cake w/ a Mocha praliné for me !
See the snow in Paris was awesome.
Anna, opening the X-Mas presents I offered Her.
The beautiful merry-go-roud at Paris-Bercy, near Lady Gaga's concert instead.
The Autograph Of The Members Of Semi Precious Weapons ♥ ♥ ♥.
I could give you a street style on the Champs Elysees, but I was too lazy, sorry x ').
I could go see the new H & M (yeah, ok, "new" since October which, lol), and for info 'Lanvin collection is still available, there are still full of dresses;').
& Now photos of the Ball & my outfit ^ _ ^.
& Now, The picture of the Proms & my outfit ^ _ ^.
Dress : NafNaf, shoes : VetAffaires, Necklace: Jewelry Brigitte.
My dress is right, sdklsjdkldjsqlkjq. I love him I love him I love him.
& As for the Ball last year, I found my precious home Naf Naf!
My sticky makes it a bit odd in the pictures because the flash, they are usually flesh-colored. & J'ai l'impression d'être un peu petite, aussi. Alors que ces talons sont les plus grands que j'ai, " des chaussures de Lady Gaga " comme disent mes amis x'). Bref, eux aussi je les adore.
My dress is just, sqdkjsqdklsjkdljq. I love her, I love her, I love her.
I found my precious at NafNaf ( like for the last prom, ahah ).
My tights look weird because of the flash, they're normally the same colour of my skin. & I feel like I'm a little bit small on those pics, although I'm wearing my highest shoes ( " Lady Gaga's shoes " as my friends say, LOL ). Well, I love those shoes so much too.
& Sail voilou's it for today!
I am trying to make a quick little video, which you can find on my YouTube channel, OC (By the way, thank you for subscribing, you are love!).
Tomorrow night is the Christmas dinner, and I hope that everyone will be happy. A thought for those who unfortunately did not get to celebrate this Christmas Eve, I have in mind including all the homeless people who spend one more Christmas in the cold ...
& THAT'S IT, that's all for today !
I try to do a little video as soon as I can, you could find it on my You Tube channel ;'D. ( & So much thanks to my dear followers ! ).
Tomorrow will be Christmas eve, so I hope you guys we'll have fun & love.
A thought to all the people who unfortunately won't celebrate that X-Mas eve, I think about all those homeless persons who'll spend another W-Mas outside on the cold ...
( & Tks for following me, leting me comments & visiting my blog, that's my Best X-Mas gift ♥). PS: has great giveaway at Kristiana's place, check out her blog!
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