Home>> sterilization in boiling water >> Marinades
For small pickles, sweet or bitter, spicy or pungent, but surely crisp.
- How is Valentine's Day and you bring me ... pickles? You think that you romantic pickles?
If I had done something with flowers or chocolate, I would have been trivial, otherwise I would have understood that the restaurants and movie theaters are crowded, that madame will not try the parachute, then it is jaded spas, and if I was serious, I would have married, she would have diamonds, pearls, a big house and we would leave our children for their debts, and Gnagna and gnagna . It starts from nowhere, and it never ends this loop! We request ever, without knowing what we want without the worry of where it leads us, and no matter what, we will never be satisfied. Ouroboros!
I prefer to spend Valentine's Day with my fat cat, my beautiful parakeets, and my little pickle is more rational, that is!
Yes, pickles, that's all I have to offer for Valentine's Day. If you are not happy bin, there's always this ...
I warn you, this recipe is really badly explained. You'll need to reread it to understand it, because in fact this recipe that thousands of recipes. The one you want is somewhere in the lot.
Louisette My aunt has never made this recipe, but my aunt Louisette is perfect, except she married my uncle Richard ... which is a big pickle. ;) ===
Here we talk about pickles, very green, very sweet (or not) and crispy, even over a year after being canned. You will
small pickles for less than two inches (5 cm) in length harvested in the morning. To make real gherkins, you need the variety Cucumis anguria . They are green when they were toddlers. You also need to put effort into preparation. It's a recipe to make two or more people, preferably. Primary processing must take place quickly.
This recipe will make you miserable 15 jars of 500 ml small cornichons. It sounds too? Although this is expected to make variants, which pass through the pickles. With a calculator, or by having to (for) many, you can make an infinite number of recipes as perfect as my aunt Louisette. Just plan according to our tastes and build algorithmic loops with simple Boolean conditions. While listening to Daft Punk, nothing new, everything is going in circles in the kingdom of pickles.
It takes place over two days. The first day, prepare all the pickles in the same way, regardless of what one wants to do next. Then they sleep in a soaking solution, ideally at the same time as us. The next day, pots in different marinades for very different products.
To find such a small amount of fresh pickles, must agree in advance with a gardener, or a seller in a public market. Ideally, it would leave about 1 / 4 inch (6mm) shank. With my merry band of lunatics canneux, we pick them ourselves at a friend's gardener. If one includes the time for picking, we do not do one third of a bushel (14 lbs or 6.4 kg) per person, per day, with this recipe. No need to pick one more, because the next day your young pickles have already lost their manhood. Sweet or not, ramollichons, well, it is not adequate, especially at table.
This recipe calls for calcium chloride soaking pickles. This is to protect the cell structure of vegetables and keep them crisp. Manon the scientific canneuse explains it brilliantly here .
You can also soak in a saltwater solution, but the pickles will be less crisp after two months. The addition of calcium chloride to the packing is strongly recommended. This product can be found here for mail orders. can also be found in shops that sell products to make home brew. Do not ask me where you can find calcium chloride organic in the 19th in Paris, please. :)
- 5 lbs (2.3 kg) of pickles for less than two inches (5 cm) long, gathered in the morning.
- wet Water for washing
- boiling water to blanch
- ice water to cool them immediately
- 8 liters of water 4 tablespoons
- S. calcium chloride
- 3 kg of ice cubes (a small bag, here) or
The salt soaks (constant)
sweet syrup (constant)
- 8 cups (1.5 kg) of sugar (or equivalent sweetener of your choice)
- 6 cups (1.5 L) white vinegar (5% acetic acid) or
For make vinegar, sugar-free (constant)
- 3 liters of white vinegar (5% acetic acid)
- 1 liter of water
The nouet spice (variable, you can even skip, especially if you decide to make vinegar)
- 2 sticks cinnamon 1 tablespoon crushed
- S. pickling spice
- 2 tablespoons teaspoon yellow mustard seeds 2 tablespoons
- teaspoon celery seed
- 1 / 2 c. teaspoon fennel seeds 1 large
- vanilla pod, then cut into sections
- 1 / 4 c. of teaspoon cloves
For each 500 ml jar with potting (constant)
- 1 / 4 c. Tea calcium chloride
Perhaps you have left a good excess marinade. We are doing this recipe in larger quantities and I lowered it to a minimum for the mixture spices. Beware some zucchini. Suffice it to cut into thin slices with a mandolin and then the potting by pouring the boiling syrup over it, then sterilized, such as pickles.
Then maybe ... (Variable)
A small dried hot peppers (dried chillies because they are not ready when the pickles are born) per jar. That's fine if you do them in vinegar, sugar-free and without spices, but it takes a lot of beer to serve ... or rather split garlic clove, or grains of dill?
Procedure: Wash your
pickles in a large quantity of water Cold and rinse well.
Bring a large quantity of water to boil in your whiteness. If you do not have a white, a large pot and a basket of fries will do.
Blanch your pickles in small quantities for a minute, then plunge immediately into ice water.
When all your pickles are cooled, the galley ... it is really better than two. Ideally it should be that your pickles are soaking in all in less than an hour after being laundered.
Cut the small end where the flower was the pickle. Remove as little as possible. This short piece is a concentrated enzyme that could soften your pickles.
Using a fine-toothed fork, prick each pickle into the center three times, turning to distribute holes. It was to penetrate the soaking solution and the vinegar through the skin that is particularly impermeable. If you do not do that, your pickles will not be crispy. They may even rot in your jars before entering the vinegar does. You can also choose to split them in half lengthways, but it is less pretty. Place your pickles
directly into the cold soak well. This solution should not be in a metal container. We are taking boilers poly food grade. When all your pickles are the solution, add to the ice. Place a large non-metallic trim on top, then weigh (we take jars filled with water). The idea is to immerse them in the pickle solution.
Go to sleep. Let your pickles gorging calcium chloride overnight (if at least 6 hours). What is good with pickles when they sleep in the brine is that they do not snore, them.
The next day, prepare your marinade. Combine sugar (or not), water (or not) and vinegar and bring to a boil with spices nouet (or not). If you use a mixture of spices, let steep, covered, off the heat for at least 20 minutes.
Drain without rinsing your pickles.
Pile pickles you (and / or other stuff like garlic or hot pepper) into sterile jars leaving 1 inch (2.5 cm) of space under the neck.
Pour 1 / 4 c. Tea jar of calcium chloride per 500 ml.
nouet Remove spice your syrup (if applicable) and refer it to a boil.
Pour boiling marinade over pickles, leaving 1 / 2 inch of space under the neck.
Follow these instructions for canning.
- Sterilize the jars 5 minutes to 500 ml. 10 minutes
- Sterilize the jars of 1 liter.
Here! Your pickles will be good in 1 month.
Home>> sterilization in boiling water >> Marinades
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